The purpose of this study is to reproduce the interaction between human singers. When human singers sing together, each singer does not sing alone but controls his/her own singing voice so that it harmonizes with that of the other singer. In other words, there is an interaction between human singers and their singing, and this interaction brings about a unified singing voice and appreciation experience by a group of human singers. On the other hand, AI singers (computers with singing voice synthesizing functions) do not have such interaction functions. When a group of human and AI singers sing together, the human singer has no other choice but to unilaterally match the AI singer. In addition, there is no interaction between AI singers and human singers. Therefore, in this study, we research and develop a singing voice synthesis technology that has a singing interaction function.
@inproceedings{take24asjs_audio-effect,abbr_publisher={日本音響学会春季研究発表会},booktitle={日本音響学会春季研究発表会},title={複数のオーディオエフェクトが適用された楽音に対するエフェクトチェイン推定と原音復元},author={伯寒, 武 and 研斗, 渡邉 and 貴之, 中塚 and Cheng, Tian and 倫靖, 中野 and 真孝, 後藤 and 慎之介, 高道 and 洋, 猿渡},year={2024},memo={本研究は科研費 21H04900, 22H03639,23H03418, JST 創発的研究支援事業 JP23KJ0828,ムーンショット JPMJPS2011 の助成を受けたものです}}
DNN-based ensemble singing voice synthesis with interactions between singers
@inproceedings{hyodo24slt_chorus,abbr_publisher={Proceedings of IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)},booktitle={Proceedings of IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT)},title={DNN-based ensemble singing voice synthesis with interactions between singers},author={Hyodo, Hiroaki and Takamichi, Shinnosuke and Nakamura, Tomohiro and Koguchi, Junya and Saruwatari, Hiroshi},year={2024}}
@inproceedings{hyodo24asja_duet-timing,abbr_publisher={日本音響学会秋季研究発表会},booktitle={日本音響学会秋季研究発表会},title={二重唱の歌い出しタイミングに対する同時性知覚の刺激閾調査},author={弘明, 兵藤 and 慎之介, 高道 and 洋, 猿渡},year={2024}}
@inproceedings{nakamura23mus_jacappella-v2,abbr_publisher={情報処理学会 音楽情報科学研究会},booktitle={情報処理学会 音楽情報科学研究会},title={{jaCappella}コーパスv2:重唱分離・合成のための日本語アカペラ重唱コーパスの拡張},author={友彦, 中村 and 慎之介, 高道 and 尚子, 丹治 and 覚, 深山 and 洋, 猿渡},year={2023},}